It doesn't matter what your primary insurance sales consist of, your clients depend on their income to pay their bills (which includes premium payments) and maintain a lifestyle. Help them keep their financial life in balance with disability income insurance. If helping your clients isn't enough incentive, advisors who offer disability insurance to their existing clients earn 30% more income than advisors who do not.
May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month (DIAM), and it's the perfect reminder that disability insurance is often an overlooked part of your clients’ financial plan. If you are not currently offering it, you should be. Not only for the reason that it will increase your income, but also because most working Americans couldn’t last a month without their paycheck; maybe six months if they have savings socked away. Nevertheless, the average length of a disability is 34.6 months, any savings they have isn't going to last long. Which is probably why medical issues are the number one reason cited for bankruptcy filings in the US as 90% of disabilities are due to illness not accidents.If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that our income is extremely important. We pay for insurance to cover many things: Our cars, pets, cell phones, vacations…So why are we reluctant to insure our most important asset that pays those premiums?
As 67% of them do not even have long-term disability insurance through work, ask your clients what they would do if they lost their income because of an illness or injury. Get this DI Starter Kit to help begin the conversation.