Boomer Esiason |
Retired NFL quarterback, Boomer Esiason, is back again this year as the celebrityspokesperson for Life Insurance Awareness Month (LIAM). Getting the word out about the need for life insurance is important to him because at the age of only 7, his mother died of cancer and did not have any life insurance. “When a parent dies and there’s no life insurance, life becomes very tough, very fast," says Boomer. “My dad, two sisters and I experienced that financial hardship firsthand.”
It's because of his own experience that Boomer knows how important life insurance is for his own family, and he wants everyone to know that if something happened and they haven't done the planning, the people they leave behind will feel the brunt of that mistake. View an important LIAM message from Boomer for insurance professionals here.
What you do is very important, and despite this industry-wide campaign and your day job, 4 out 10 adults don't have any life insurance, and they think it's three times more expensive than it actually is. Many haven't bought life insurance yet because they are unsure of how much or what type to buy. Helping families plan for something is better than nothing and it's very apparent that we still have a lot of work to do.
If you haven't gotten started yet, it's not too late, and it's momentum can carry you through the end of the year. Get LIAM Campaign Resources here