Many people think that a disability couldn't happen to them. 90% of disabilities are caused by illness, not accidents, and people have a three in 10 chance of suffering a disability that keeps them out of work for three months or longer during their career. So what happens when the paychecks stop? 50% of Americans
can't meet expenses just after one month without a paycheck.
Disability income insurance is overlooked by many and the month of May is your prime opportunity to start talking about it with your current and prospective clients. Every May Life Happens coordinates Disability Insurance Awareness Month (DIAM). Everyone who works should consider #disabilityinsurance and your current client base is the perfect place to start because they have already purchased from you, so it's likely that they will again. You may even be surprised which clients make good candidates. Watch this Brainshark to help you with the identification process.
Go to for resources you can use with
clients and help them calculate the need with this DI Calculator.
* Statistic Sources: The Real Risk of Disability in the United States, Milliman Inc., on behalf of the LIFE Foundation, May 2007
The Council for Disability Awareness, Long-Term Disability Claims Review, 2010
LIFE Disability Survey, conducted by Kelton Research, April 2012